Recorded in Vienna, Austria (exact venue unknown). Very good audience recording, received in a tape trade. This isn't excellent, but still very good IMO. I did a very raw transfer of the cassette tape I received, and I left as much as possible untouched. This is exactly how I received it. Note the very beginning of the show is missing, and the recording contains songs only (so there's no, or very little, dialogue) - the taper presses the 'pause' button pretty often. And there's quite some hiss, too.
Lineage: TDK SA ('Super CDing') cassette tape received in trade > Nikko ND-620 cassette deck > SB Audigy > Adobe Audition (recording to 24/96 WAV and adding fades) > CD Wave (cue / splitting).
A 16bit 44.1 kHz version is included as well.