Amos, Tori - VIVA Special and more
Album info
Recording Date  : 21-01-2003
Length  : 93:52
Format  : DVD
Track List
01 Menus 00:01
02 Main Movie 93:51

Tori Amos
VIVA Special and more

Lineage: DVD received in trade
This footage was probably recorded on VHS and then transferred onto DVD using a standalone DVD-recorder/burner.

Chapter 1: 'Leer'


Chapter 2: 'TORI VIVA'

00:00 'ZDF Mittags Magazin', TV special from German TV channel ZDF, broadcast 22 January 2003, with tiny snippets of footage from the Oberhausen gig from the day before.

02:58 'Fast Forward', TV special from German TV channel VIVA, broadcast 3 March 2003.
02:58 'Fast Forward' intro
03:13 'Caught A Lite Sneeze' video
07:37 'A Trip Across America' interview
10:33 'Scarlet's Walk - ein politischer Weg' interview
14:09 'Sweet Sangria', soundcheck at the Koenig-Pilsener-Arena in Oberhausen, Germany, on 21 January 2003
18:35 'Pretty Good Year' video
22:02 'Songwriting' interview
24:15 'Ein perfekter Song' interview
25:24 'Album - Konzept' interview
26:51 'Musikalische Vorbilder' interview
28:04 'Taxi Ride', soundcheck at the Koenig-Pilsener-Arena in Oberhausen, Germany, on 21 January 2003
32:22 'Ueber Frauen und Maenner' interview
34:49 'Cover-Versionen' interview
35:36 'Nirvana Revival' interview
36:55 'Ohrenschmaus' interview
38:37 'Zukunftsmusik' interview
39:00 'A Sorta Fairytale' video
42:57 'Winter' video
47:40 'Silent All These Years' video
52:00 end

Chapter 3: 'TORI KOEPIARENA 2003'

00:00 Koenig Pilsener Music Special, TV special from German TV channel SAT.1.
03:34 end

Chapter 4: 'POLLY'

00:00 Collection of PJ Harvey footage
36:43 end

Chapter 5: 'Leer'
