Pink Floyd - Put The Bitch Down
Album info
Recording Date  : 19-09-1987
Length  : 149:42
Format  : 2 DVD
Track List
Put The Bitch Down (Disc 1) 64:08
01 Disc 1 64:08
Put The Bitch Down (Disc 2) 85:34
01 Disc 2 85:34

Recorded at the JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Nice audience recording (albeit a bit dark). Disc 1 has 3 audio tracks (from the original video, from 'Prism' or 'Hand of Fate') plus a hidden 'surround' audio track. Disc 2 has 2 audio tracks (from the original video and 'Prism' ) and the hidden 'surround' audio track.