Gilmour, David - Odeon Jam Matrix
Album info
Recording Date  : 06-09-2007
Length  : 12:15
Format  : SHN
Track List
01 Odeon Jam 12:15

Recorded at the Odeon, London, UK. Fantastic audience recording.

From the info file:

David Gilmour
Leicester Square

Recording from Leicester Square

Taper : bnz
Source : at943 - SP-SPSB-6 (Bass Roll-off at 107 HZ) - Edirol R09 at 44.1 Khz 16 bit
Transfer : SD card > SDslot > PC > Soundforge 8.0 > Cdwave > Shorten > SHN > TLH > WAV
Position : Row R Seat 23, FOB, just a few seats from center

Recording from AZ Cinema

Taper : edgar
Source : at831 - SP-SPSB-2 (rolloff @ 107 Hz) - Edirol R09 at 44.1 Khz 16 bit
Transfer : SD Card > SD Slot > PC > Soundforge 7.0 > Cdwave > mkw > shn > TLH > WAV
Position : Center

Both recordings of the Jam were mixed down with Adobe Audition 1.5

01. London Odeon Jam [12:15]


I was lucky to be one of the attendance of the DVD Remember That Night DVD Premiere at the Odeon at Leicester Square in London and even more lucky when the finisher was this terrific treat David Gilmour and the OAI tour bandmembers gave us. Also very special to me was that my friend Edgar could record that same Jam in an US AZ cinema about a week later and as usual he did it in an tmo great quality. We decided put the recordings down to a matrix and like to offer it here for all. The provided artwork is created by ygbc, thanks again !

Do not sell, do not convert to lossy formats ect ect.

Enjoy !!
