Waters, Roger - Exit 16W (HRV DVD 016)
Album info
Recording Date  : 21-07-1984
Length  : 131:30
Format  : 2 DVD
Track List
Exit 16W (HRV DVD 016) (Disc 1) 66:47
01 Menus 00:28
02 Main Movie 66:19
Exit 16W (HRV DVD 016) (Disc 2) 64:43
01 Menus 00:28
02 Main Movie 64:15

Recorded at the Brendan Byrne Arena, New Jersey, USA. Very good audience recording.

From the info file:

Roger Waters
with Eric clapton
Brendan Byrne Arena, New Jersey
July 21, 1984

Recorded by Ken G.
Audio transferred by Diego T.

Transferred from the master VHS tapes.
Audio captured at 48kHz/16 Bit stereo from linear stereo tracks from the VHS masters.

Set the Controls
Welcome to the Machine
Have A Cigar
Wish You Were Here
Pigs on the Wing
In The Flesh
Nobody Home
Hey You
The Gunner’s Dream

4.30 AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad)
4.33 AM (Running Shoes)
4.37 AM (Arabs With Knives)
4.39 AM (For The 1st Time Today - Part 2)
4.41 AM (Sexual Revolution)
4.47 AM (The Remains Of Our Love)
4.50 AM (Go Fishing)
4.56 AM (For The 1st Time Today - Part 1)
4.58 AM (Dunroamin, Duncarin, Dunlivin)
5.01 AM (The Pros & Cons Of Hitch Hiking)
5.06 AM (Every Strangers Eyes)

Brain Damage / Eclipse (encore)

I was given the master VHS tapes while I was in Denver for the 2008 Roger Waters show because I assured Ken that I could extract the audio (linear stereo tracks) from the master VHS tapes.

Some notes from Ken G:

'We drove all the way from the SF Bay area to the East Coast in a 1970 Volkswagen bus to see this show. We were the only people in there with a video and the only person in there with a baby. Of course this was all way pre-internet, so we had no access to a seating chart or anything to see whether there were seats anywhere in Brendan Byrne Arena that were in the front row balcony, with nobody being able to stand up in front of us. Obviously it was going to be impossible to hold the camera up at eye level and in any case a tripod was the only way to go to eliminate shaking and not get caught. We somehow got access to a New York yellow pages and found some ticket scalping agencies. After making a couple calls we found out that there was one section where there was one side entrance to the coliseum style arena (where the elephants would come in for the circus, etc.) and there were about 10 seats along the top of that section. Amazingly, they had 3 seats for sale there, so we bought them (a friend who we met at the London 1980 Wall shows took the third ticket and held the mics). It took two trips through the door to smuggle everything in, as I had to go back out and come in with a second ticket (elsewhere in the arena) to bring in the 7 pound lead-acid battery belt. On the first trip in my wife took in the deck, tapes, mics and cables and I brought in the camera and tripod (one down each leg, with an Egyptian men's robe over them I was wearing). However, once we got to the seats it turned out that the opening we were over was roped off as security headquarters, with guys wearing yellow jumpsuits and holding walkie-talkies! So I set the stuff up and it was a few feet over their heads -- I put a jacket over the railing to hide the camera, which was at knee level. When the show started I started the tape and got down on my hands and knees to try and peer through the little round view finder (with my baby daughter kicking me in the head). All I could see was black, then some flashes and I realized that I was zoomed way in. I focused the camera on the performers, zoomed back to take in the entire 90-foot wide screen and had to leave it like that. There was no way whatsoever that I could have looked through it again during the show and zoom in and out, it would have been too easy to get caught. In retrospect I wish I had zoomed in to the main stage for the first set and adjusted for the second, but that didn't happen. My heart was pounding during the entire show, it was completely not enjoyable (fortunately, we had seen the night before from the floor and went to the Chicago gig after). For some reason I forgot to change the tape to number two before the second half -- hence the tape ran out just at the beginning of 'The Moment of Clarity', the final short bit that ends the Pros and Cons. If it had to cut, that was a good place to do so. If I had it do to over again.....but then again I didn't have the chance. Glad to get what I did - it was well worth the effort - and even though the video isn't great when the large screen is not on, the soundtrack is awesome throughout!

Most people don't even know this, but BEFORE there was such a thing as VHS Hi-Fi during one brief period there was plain STEREO. Once Hi-Fi came out they disappeared. I bought a Hitachi portable deck for $800, a big square thing where the recording unit sat on top of the tuner and was hooked to it with a big cable. You had a separate camera and a 7 pound lead acid battery belt. I used TWO Nakamichi DM-500 mics. The stereo separation is awesome. As far as I know the only way to get the stereo tracks is to play it back on such a machine.'

A huge thanks to Ken for trusting us with his masters. Also, a BIG thanks to Diego (team HRV's newest member) for transferring the audio. Diego is a professional audio engineer who has over 30 years of experience in his field. I captured the video, encoded to MPEG-2, synched up the audio and authored the DVDs.

RonToon and Ken G.
(June 2008)