IQ - Bochum, Germany
Album info
Recording Date  : 17-01-1999
Length  : 126:28
Format  : SHN
Track List
Bochum, Germany (Disc 1) 67:41
01 Infernal Chorus 05:01
02 The Darkest Hour 10:49
03 Subterranea 12:47
04 Laid Low - Breathtaker - King of Fools 09:44
05 Outer Limits 06:47
06 Human Nature 09:46
07 Capricorn 05:09
08 Leap of Faith 07:38
Bochum, Germany (Disc 2) 58:47
01 Narrow Margin - Part 1 09:15
02 Narrow Margin (merged) 19:49
03 Narrow Margin - Part 2 10:36
04 Awake and Nervous 08:41
05 Out of Nowhere 10:26

Recorded at the Zeche, Bochum, Germany. Very good audience recording.

From the info file:

Bochum, Germany
17 January 1999

Audience Recording
Approx duration: 150 mins.

Infernal Chorus 5:01
The Darkest Hour 10:49
Subterranea 12:47
Laid Low/
King of Fools 9:43
Outer Limits 6:46
Human Nature 9:46
Capricorn 5:08
Leap of Faith 7:37

The Narrow Margin (Part I) 9:15
The Narrow Margin (Part II) 10:36
Awake and Nervous 8:41
Out of Nowhere 10:25

Notes on the Recording:
An excellent sounding audience recording - a solid A- for sure - lots here from Subterranea. Enjoy!!

Additional note:
For some reason, Narrow Margin was split into two tracks on CD2.
I used a ripper program to merge the two halves into one file, named d02t01B Narrow Margin (merged). You can choose to use the original layout with two tracks, or use merged file to have the song complete - I included all three tracks in the torrent.