Supertramp - Boston, MA (24-96)
Album info
Recording Date  : 05-03-1976
Length  : 88:28
Format  : FLAC
Track List
01 School 05:22
02 Bloody Well Right 06:52
03 Sister Moonshine 05:16
04 Ain't Nobody But Me 05:25
05 Hide In Your Shell 06:55
06 Poor Boy 05:35
07 The Meaning 05:43
08 Just A Normal Day 04:04
09 Asylum 06:57
10 Dreamer 03:36
11 Rudy 07:11
12 If Everyone Was Listening 04:17
13 Another Man's Woman 07:32
14 Lady 06:57
15 Home Again 01:31
16 Crime Of the Century 05:15

Recorded at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston, MA, USA. Excellent audience recording.

From the info file:

Orpheum Theatre
Boston, MA
5 March 1976

Master audience recording taped by Dan Lampinski

01 School
02 Bloody Well Right
03 Sister Moonshine
04 Ain't Nobody But Me
05 Hide In Your Shell
06 Poor Boy
07 The Meaning
08 Just A Normal Day
09 Asylum
10 Dreamer
11 Rudy
12 If Everyone Was Listening
13 Another Man's Woman
14 Lady
15 E: Home Again >
16 Crime Of the Century

Rick Davies - keyboards, vocals
John Helliwell - saxophone, vocals
Roger Hodgson - guitar, keyboards, vocals
Bob Seibenberg - drums
Dougie Thomson - bass

Sony TC-152SD Tape Recorder
Sony ECM-99 Stereo Microphone
Maxell cassettes

Mastered and FLAC'ed by Carl Morstadt (

Master Cassette ->
Nakamichi CR-3A cassette deck with azimuth correction ->
M-Audio Firewire Audiophile 2496 ->
CDWAV 24-bit/96-KHz wav files ->
Goldwave (normalizing and crossfades) ->
CDWAV (track breaks) ->
FLAC Front End (FLAC 8)
FLAC files tagged with Foobar2000 Live Show Tagger

No EQ'ing.

A 16-bit/44.1-KHz flac16 version of this recording is also available.

Dan Lampinski recorded over 100 concerts in the Providence/Boston area, mostly between 1974 and 1978. His earliest recordings were made with an internal microphone deck, and though they are somewhat lo-fi compared to his later work, some very great moments in rock history were captured for posterity. In late 1974 he bought a Sony TC-152SD tape recorder, a Sony ECM-99 stereo microphone, and began using Maxell cassettes. He was also fortunate enough to have a friend who provided excellent taping seats for many shows, resulting in high quality recordings. In 1977, he switched over to a Nakamichi 550 tape recorder, two Nakamichi CM-300 microphones, and continued using Maxell cassettes.

He recorded many of the major 70's bands: Yes, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Queen, Blue Oyster Cult, Frank Zappa, Jethro Tull, ELP, Kiss, Black Sabbath, The Who, Al Stewart, Alice Cooper, Jeff Beck, Bruce Springsteen, Supertramp, Jean-Luc Ponty, Moody Blues, Neil Young, The Faces, Rush, Rick Wakeman, Kansas, as well as several 'under the radar' acts.

Since Dan never traded copies of his recordings, they are all essentially uncirculated. Some copies were made for friends, but these releases are the first time most of these recordings have ever seen the light of day, and are direct from his master cassettes. No EQ'ing has been done to any of the transfers. Feel free to EQ, matrix, patch, etc and re-post if you like, just give Dan credit for the original recording.

Dan was very meticulous about taking good care of his tapes and is very pleased that these recordings will now circulate among the trading community. Please honour his kindness and generosity by sharing these recordings freely.

The transfers are available as 16bit/44.1KHz flac files suitable for CD burning, and also as 24bit/96KHz flac files for those who prefer the higher resolution.

Always remember - the more generous you are with your music, the more it comes back to you.

Kev & Carl
June 2009