Pink Floyd - Pink Floyd In Berlin 1994
Album info
Recording Date  : 21-08-1994
Length  : 34:26
Format  : DVD
Track List
01 Menus 06:00
02 Main Movie 28:26

Great German documentary, recorded during the days around the Pink Floyd concert in Berlin.

From the info file:

Pink Floyd In Berlin 1994
DVD - PAL - 28:26 min.
This is a german TV documentary broadcast via 3sat (31.08.1994).
Subtitled in English
Lineage: stand alone VHS -> PowerProducer2 -> PC -> TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress -> TMPGEnc DVD Author 3


Info from Teletext:
Nach langer Zeit sind sie wieder auf Tournee – Pink Floyd – mehr ein Mythos als nur eine Band.
Der Aufwand für jedes einzelne Konzert ist gigantisch, angeblich der größte, den je eine Band
in der Geschichte der Rock-Musik für Ihre Fans betrieben hat. Was passiert hinter den Kulissen,
bevor ein solches Konzert überhaupt beginnen kann ? Wie bereitet sich
Berlin auf eine solche Massenveranstaltung vor ?
Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen.


After a long period of time they are back on the road – Pink Floyd – more myth than a band.
The effort for each concert is gigantic, allegedly the largest ever a band has done for their fans
in rock history. What happens behind the scenes, before such a concert can even begin ?
How is Berlin preparing for such a mass event ?
A look behind the scene !

Very interesting stuff, and very good pro-shot of Learning To Fly.


Transfer and Translation by Marooned65
Authored and Artwork by Nipote
An huge thanks Nipote. Without his kind help this project wouldn´t have seen the light of day.


This release was first shared on IN FLOYD WE TRUST hub


Do not edit this info file

Marooned65 - 2011-05-18